23 February, 2011

Accepting incoming messages...

We all know what a 'special' day it is today. Let's all have a holiday! Especially me! But no, on this b-day - I get to fly Kingfisher airlines, they also make beer, it probably powers their planes, or is the only thing that keeps the pilot going!!
So this is my present to myself: Lotus Flower!
PS I've just had a road trip through slums, hell and Mumbai! I need a rest before I can face India again - I'll let you know about it tomorrow.


  1. hej hej wysłałam smsa z odpowiednimi zyczeniami Kochana,
    wszystkiego wszystkiego najlepszego Meine Liebe, reszta w smsie :):):)
    tym razem prezent czeka u nas w domu :):):)
    pozdrawiamy ciepło

  2. Happy belated birthday!!

    Serdeczne pozdrowienia od gosci twojej mamy i taty

  3. Not only do they have beer they have Bollywood movies as inflight entertainment! What more can you ask for?

  4. Belated Happy Birthday Ania,

    Hope you had an awesome awesome day and many more :) xx

  5. Thanks for all the wishes! :-)
